Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Course!

    • Let's Dive In

  • 2

    Week One: Copyright Basics

    • Live Webinar Recording

    • Week One: Presentation

    • Cases from Week One

  • 3

    Week Two: All About Registration

    • Live Webinar Recording - Week 2

    • Week Two: Presentation

    • Cases from Week Two

    • Group Registration for Unpublished Photographs (GRPPH)

    • Group Registration for Unpublished Photographs (GRUPH)

    • Copyright Office Videos - Group Registration Unpublished Photographs

    • Copyright Office Tutorial Video - Group Registration Published Photographs

  • 4

    Week Three: Fair Use + Infringement

    • Live Webinar Recording

    • Week Three: Presentation

    • Week Three: Answers to Questions from Class

    • Week Three: Cases + Downloads

  • 5

    Week Four: Contracts and Licenses

    • Live Webinar Recording

    • Week Four: Presentation

    • TEMPLATE: ASMP License Agreement

  • 6

    Week Five: Putting It All Together

    • Live Webinar Recording

    • Week Five: Presentation

    • Copyright Office - Assignment of Copyright

    • Copryight Office - Circular 01

    • TEMPLATE - Copyright Transfer Statement

    • Berne Convention